Fuel Data Systems, Inc.
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Customer Portal
Wireless Fuel

Questions? Would like a Demo? Call 1-800-447-7870 Today!

  1. Revolutionize your delivery scheduling.
       • Increase gallons delivered per mile
       • Increase gallons delivered per hour
       • Reduce Scheduling tasks from Hours down to Minutes
       • Eliminate Drivers overlapping areas by using our Routing Map
  2. Get a handle on your scheduling of Service Techs.
       • Setup your Service Tech availablity. Schedue days off, doctor, personal time off
       • Setup default times for task to perform. Never over book time
       • Service Schedule available to every user. No need for appointment book.
       • Utilize Flat Rate data from third party providers. Import/Update rates with a click of a button
  3. View concise Customer Information on one page using our Customer Inquiry.
       • Search by Account Number, Name, Address, Invoice Number, Check Number, Dollar Amount, plus more
       • Information is displayed in logical grouppings, Tank Info, Credit Info, Service Info, etc
       • Detail and Summary transactions
       • Drill down detail
       • Reprint invoices
       • Email documents directly to customer
  4. Accept Credit Card, Debit Card, or E-Check payments and get immediate Approval/Decline notification from your payment processor.
       • One click payment from Customer Inquiry
       • Setup charge types to be paid automatically by Credit Card, Debit Card, or E-Check
       • Setup recurring billing
       • Utilize Vault IDs and avoid storing Credit Card information in your database
  5. Get a handle on your Accounts Receivable.
       • Credit Searches before Delivery are needed
       • Detailed Aging Reports with extensive parameters
       • Dunning Letters
       • Auto Past Due/Finance Charges
  6. Get the big picture with our built in detailed reporting.
       • Detailed Reporting with extensive parameters
       • Memorize Report selection parameters for easy printing next time
       • Summary with Drill Down capability
       • Print to Paper, PDF document file, or Email.
  7. Get creative with your reporting. Use our Report Wizard
       • Easy to use Report Wizard walks you through Report Creation
       • Name and Save your Report Wizard reports for easy printing next time
  8. Communicate with your customers using our Letter Wizard.
       • Easy to use Report Letter walks you through Letter Creation
       • Name and Save your Letter Wizard letters for easy printing next time
       • Link your Report Wizard report to your Letter Wizard letter for easy mass mailing
  9. Communicate with your customers usinge our Email module.
       • Store multiple email addresses for your custmers.
       • Send letters, Fuel Invoices, Service Invoices, Delivery Notifications, and Payment Receipts to same or different email addresses
  10. Get realtime Delivery Tracking and Billing with our Mobile Wireless Fuel application
       • Runs on Android tablets
       • Send/Take Fuel Orders directly to/from driver out in the field
       • Print in truck Delivery Ticket and Invoice
       • Accept payments
       • Driver sees detailed information about delivery before arriving
       • Generate invoice with additional charges capability
       • On tablet or in office Routing
       • Integrated with Google Maps. Use efficient directions from where truck is to the next delivery location.
       • Record Driver Time
       • Print Driver Card
       • Print Driver Detail Transactions
       • Print Driver Collected payments
       • Automatically import Fuel Sales and Payments directly into batches.
  11. Get realtime Service Tracking and Billing with our Mobile Service application.
       • Runs on Android tablets
       • Send/Take Service Work Orders directly to/from tech out in the field
       • Print in truck Service Work Order and Invoice
       • Accept payments
       • Tech sees detailed information about locations before arriving
       • Generate invoice with additional charges capability
       • Integrated with Google Maps. Use efficient directions from where truck is to the next delivery location.
       • Record Tech Time
       • Record Parts
       • Record Work Done codes and comments
       • View Equipment detail
       • View Service Contract detail
       • Automatically import Service Sales and Payments directly into batches.
  12. Empower your customers with our Customer Portal.
       • Become a new customer with the New Customer application
       • Sign in and View transactional information
       • Make payments
       • Request Fuel Delivery
       • Request Service work
       • Re-print previous invoice
       • Re-print previous statement
  13. Host FDSWeb on your in house server or our Data Center up in the cloud.
       • Run FDSWeb on the server in your office
       • Run FDSWeb on our Data Center servers
  14. Purchase Only What you need. FDSWeb is broken down into cost effective modules. Don't pay for features you will not use!
       • Run base application. Delivery, Credit, Accounts Receivable, Billing, Invoices, Month End, Report, and more
       • Purchase optional add on modules now or in the future!
Fuel Software, Propane Software, Online Fuel Software, Online Propane Software, FDSWeb.net, FuelDataSystem.com, Fuel Data Systems, Inc.
Routing, Fuel Oil, Propane, Retail Fuel Distributor, Retail Propane Distributor, HVAC